
Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Little Bit of Science

Last night I was watching Discovery Channel featuring Stephen Hawking scientific study on the origin of the universe. I am greatly amazed by his brilliant mind despite the debilitating physical impairment. Hawking is our greatest contemporary physicist of modern time. I always marvel at such an intelligent being. My grasp of science isn't even an iota of a tenth of that magnitude. However tiny as I am, sometimes, once in awhile l just want to share my insignificant point of view. Hahaha.
1. Last night I learned from Discovery Channel how the universe started from a single light - I reflectively quickly associate this with Genesis, where from the beginning God said "Let there be light." When I was young, somebody refuted the creation. The bible, he said, should supposedly begin with the creation of the stars, sun and moon before the light. Back then, I didn't know what to say yet I kept faith, now I am happily avenged.
2. I also learned that nothing can travel as fast as the speed of light! So there is one thing that we human can not do! What an amazement!
3. Hawking gave credit to gravity for the spontaneous creation of the universe but gravity he said is not perfect, because of its imperfection thus the universe was created. Can I conclude therefore that light is more perfect than gravity? Can I also say, gravity originated from light? Or where does gravity come from?
4. From the combustion of the center of gravity, elements or compounds or matters are spewed and formed into celestial bodies. It is by a stroke of luck that earth is formed quite differently from the other planets with surface liquid and atmospheric air above,etc. And minerals that were formed millions of years ago in space are incorporated and found on earth today. "By a stroke of luck", our distance from the sun is just right to sustain life. Elements and other compounds were subsequently formed and developed into various form of life on earth.
To make things short, I totally believe in the scientific pronouncement of Stephen Hawking.
5. But agreeing with science does not deter my faith, rather it enhances my belief in God more.
6. Last night while I was watching the footage, I was taken by the phrase "by a stroke of luck" my mind, I like to rephrase that the word of God.........or by the will of God....... Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I certainly agree that science does not necessarily contradict faith :)
    Nice insights1
