
Friday, September 29, 2006

Milenyo Stress in Cotabato

Yesterday, Typhoon Milenyo struck Manila. I was in Mindanao, far from the storm but I kept in  touch  with my children in Metro Manila. I called up to remind them to sweep and clean up the balcony drainage so as to prevent flooding upstairs. I texted them a number of times to ask if the wind was still blowing hard or slowing down. Angel and Marion informed me separately that there was no electricity. They also informed me that the gutter in the balcony gave way because of the strong wind. And that Tom got drenched as he fixed the problem temporarily to prevent the sudden out flow of water and flooding.

I tried to reached them again around 5 pm, to ask if electricity had come back but to my dismay nobody was answering any call whether through the landline or cellphone. I  could not reach anybody...the neighbor nor the relatives. I switched on the tv and learned that the entire Luzon area was out of electricity, classes remained suspended for another day. I tried calling and texting again and again. It was not until passed 11:30 pm that I got a response from marion. She told me the light was still out, the landline was out too, everybody's cellphone battery was down and her battery was running low too. Cellsite was not working good but I guessed all else was ok. I could not sleep well thinking of them in far darken Manila but what else could I do but prayed for everybody's safety.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Talk of the Town

I am the talk of the town. I've lost more than 20 lbs from:

1. a year's dancing exercise and taichi

2. gall bladder operation in June

3. curbed appetite, and

4. continuing light dancing and taichi up to the present

I hope can still lose a few more pounds or just maintain my present weight.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


The season of Ramadan begins tomorrow - a month long observance of fasting and prayer. It is a holy month of sacrifices and alms giving.

The many gun shots fired in the sky tonight however are contra demonstration of piety and holiness. Why don't these people just play music instead, like the kulintang or agong. Music is much more closer to prayer than live ammo. (Grr...some people just continue to engage in wrong common practices.) Don't they really know about the danger of falling bullets?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Back to Cotabato again

I am back home again. Although I would like very much to stay in Manila longer but my work at home beckons me to come back. Tomorrow is school convocation day - there will be distributiion of class cards, awarding of honors and class presentations. There is also a birthday bash during recess time and not to forget, tomorrow is also the 15th, salary day for employees.

When I arrived school this afternoon, a stack of letters and communications was waiting for me. Gosh, there is a back log of work for me to cope!

Monday, September 11, 2006

One month old

Dylan Noah turned one month old yesterday, September 10, 2006. Angel's mom and siblings came over to celebrate the happy ocassion while Lucas, Tomas, Martha and I were in Cebu. We were getting ready to come home that same day but our flight was delayed from 5:15 to 8:30 PM. We even broought home a lechon for supper but our plane touched down Manila quite late at night already. Despite the lateness, I called up my sister Helen and Bernard to come celebrate the ocassion with us. They willingly obliged. The lechon was good and we had a happy late family supper celebration together at home.

Here's wishing and praying for Dylan Noah to grow up a strong, healthy, happy, smart and intelligent good boy.

Jake's wedding

Arvin Jake Tan wedding was held in Cebu last Saturday, September 9, 2006. It was actually a renewal of vows for they had their church wedding done already in United States. I guess this renewal of vows was a formality for the sake of parents and relatives and friends, more for the strengthening of relationship, I think.

Jake's wedding is a gathering of two families and friends from Cotabato and Surigao. Those who attented were intimate relations, who were happy for the couple and had the best of wishes for them both. I was one of the godmothers and my son Tom, was one of the two bestmen. During the reception, Tomas gave a beautiful speeech and toast the wedded couple. I was very touch at the love and affection of everyone present for Jake and Angelie. I wish for the couple the best of life together. May the Lord God bless their life together and ever.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Sept 5

Yesterday September 5 was Emil's birthday. My youngest son is now 27 years old. How time flies.

This happy go lucky boy, who did not know how to keep academic notes, had no study habit whatsoever, good at playing computer games, he somehow survived and graduated from Ateneo, Manila (not with out a lot of hardship though).

Today, Emil the favorite guy of most of his cousins here in Manila, lives and works in Cebu. He has become independent, self reliant and very business oriented. I pray for the Lord my God to continue on guiding and protecting him. May the Lord give him bountiful blessings always. Happy birthday Emil!

Saturday, September 2, 2006

Sept 3, 2006

September 3 is also the foundation day of my alma mater Cotabato City Institute (formerly Cotabato Chinese High School). I went to the school this morning after attending mass and a merienda. When my husband ( a school board member ) and I arrived there, the morning activities were already through and people were leaving the premise to go home. It was however very heart warming because upon seeing me, a lot of my former kindergarten pupils came flocking to greet me. Even their parents were very happy to see me too. Many of St. Martha School kids go to CCI after graduating kindergarten school. I am very happy most of them are at the top of their class. A happy and good Sunday to all.

Friday, September 1, 2006


Another week has gone and another month is here. There are  lots of ocassions to celebrate in September but I shall talk about a September 3 which seems not too long ago.

It was the birthday of my Uncle Ernesto Go. 

I was a college first year student then, staying at the Holy Family Dormitory along Governor Forbes St.(Manila). My sister Imelda came to pick me up in the afternoon. We were to attend the 40th birthday of Uncle Ernesto. It was my first big party in the city. Uncle Ernesto in his 40's was a  young, handsome, self-made, already successful rich man. I recall Lauriat supper was specially ordered, cooked and served in his residence. Jovial relatives and business friends were abound. It was a high society gathering somewhat liked in the movies. I was so excited when my sister Imelda handed me a stem glass and poured something from a bottle.

"Take a sip, now you can tell your friends that you have tasted champange." she said. 

I remember sitting on a round table with relatives. When Auntie Lucy, the gracious hostess came over to the table and ask if the guests were okay, a certain Mr. Neri jokingly said " You know Lucy, they said life begins at forty." at which Auntie Lucy replied almost immediately.   "Don't teach him ". Everybody howled with laughter at the smart retort, cousin Henry most specially. He said it was a brilliant reply.

Uncle Ernesto will be celebrating another milestore this year, but I would not be in Manila to attend. I usually do whenever I am around. Happy birthday Soyku!