Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas Program and Children's Christmas Party
another bug
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Misa de Gallo and Merry Christmas to All
Yesterday Sunday, my husband and I visited Father Caroff at the Oblates Provincial House. The priest was feeling fine when we saw him that morning. He had a good sleep the night before. He was talkative and was his usual self with a witty sense of humor. Infact he wanted to go on a trip to Bugwak which he considered his home. My husband and I, we were happy to see him in a happy mood. He was kind of emotiional though when he talked about his sisters. But all in all, he was feeling fine. I am glad I visited him before Christmas.
My children came home to cotabato yesterday afternoon. They are all here for the Christmas vacation, except for roy who is in usa. I have a lot to catch up with them. So aftter the mass this morning, I thought of blogging before I become too busy.
Here's wishing everybody a Merry Merry Christmas. God bless us all!
Friday, December 14, 2007
My Christmas Tree etc
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Red bugs
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Lucy Teh, Pat Stanley and I
Lucy Teh sent through me her Christmas gift for Father Caroff, and my husband and I visited him for the second time this week, last Sunday at the Oblates House on December 9, 2007.
Father Caroff was very happy to see us and likewise very thankful and grateful for Lucy and her husband Basil's concern and generousity. I told him before about Pat Stanley concern for him too but Father Caroff couldn't seem to recall the engineer he met in Malaysia long time ago. Until last Sunday, I told him that Pat Stanley was the one who built the bridge in Malaysia, then he remembered. He said yes and he very happily told me. " I used to pass that ( name of the bridge ) before, a lot of time.Tell him to come and built bridges here."
I tell you, despite his disability, he has a very keen sense of mind and memory.
After the visit though, I felt sad and depressed because I have seen the extend of his disabilty and I fear for the worse. He was still in catheter and had difficulty with bowel movement. He even said he had a hard time sleeping the night before. He tried to call Lucy through his handset to thank her for the gift but the line was busy. He could hardly hold his phone. His hands and fingers were shaking so much. I quickly told him, not to try anymore as I will just email Lucy about our visit. Before I could write Lucy an email, Father Caroff was able to reach her through the mobile that afternoon. I was glad they were able to talked to each other. But I am fearful that his condition is deteriorating, I don't know for how long he could be brave, for I am not. Let's all pray for him.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Coincidentally after supper that night, we almost had an accident while backing the van to go back home. The space for backing was big enough though but because of poor eye sight and miscalculation, Lucas drove the van into a big ditch near the roadside. The deep ditch just could not allow the car to move forward so Lucas had to drive in reverse to be able to get back to the road. All of us girls got up from the van to help Lucas make a forceful reverse that was perpendicular to the high way. We girls were suppose to stop incoming cars from the high way but a big military truck carrying a trolley full of people was in a hurry and went full speed ignoring us. It passed swirled us as my husband put a sudden brake. This near collision gave me goose bumps and associated it to my dream. I was shaken but I tried to hold my composure. I tried not to nag my husband too for I knew just like me, he also realized the near encounter that night. Upon reaching home, I offered a rosary of thanksgiving for not having any untoward accident. I told my husband to say a prayer of thanksgiving too. That dream and the incident that followed seemed too weird.
Do be careful when you're doing any backing or reverse driving.
Monday, December 10, 2007
I woke up from the dream and immediately narrated the story to my husband. I told him to inquire about Father Caroff's well being in Buguak. I was afraid he might be sick for I sometimes dream about certain people and I pray for them.
But Lucas being busy with so many things, forgot to inquire. Coincidentally on Monday, he received a call from Father Caroff himself, telling him that he was now in cotabato city and staying at the Pronvincial House of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Lucas and I immediately went ot visit him that afternoon.
It turned out Father Caroff was brought to Cotabato City on Friday by his caretakers in Buguak. His doctor was out of town but the people in the hospital gave him a catheter procedure which gave him temporary relief. He was released from the hospital and is now staying in the Provincial House. When we saw him that day, his spirit was high. He was using a motorized wheel chair and he even showed us how to manuever it. We even joked about him needing to get a driver's license. This reminded me of my dream. Scary......
I'll be posting about our second visit next blog.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
failed coup
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
no classes
For a last minute decision, I have decided to call back classes. The sky seems to be lighting up and the weather turning good. There are many lessons to catch up as tomorrow will be dance practice day and Friday is another holiday.
(updates: We had classes today. The weather was windy but fine. I was really glad to have recalled the classes this morning. )
Thursday, November 22, 2007
My dresses are fine. I am quite up to date although not very noticeable. I am frantic because I can't fit in some of the new clothes I bought and my old clothes are just too big for me now.
And by the way, I won a toy car from the parlor game "musical chair" last night. I didn't realize I was quick in grabbing a seat. We were around 15 to 17 ladies playing the game. hehehe Maybe a lot of my slender friends were afraid to collide with my size or maybe I was just faster because of the constant taichi hahaha! Whatever!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Health or Vanity
Aside from my work in school, I am deligently doing my taichi and so far I have not missed my chacha for 2 consecutive Saturdays already. I am hysterically doing additional time before the yuletide season really begins.
Feasts and celebrations will start as early as December 2 or even earlier. Infact tonight I have a wedding party to attend and another post wedding celebration on December 8.
For why do I exert so much effort? Health or vanity?
But I have to fit in all the new clothes I bought!
Friday, November 9, 2007
At 56
at age 19 - I lost my mom.
22 - I got married to Lucas
23 - I gave birth to my first born Roy
25 going to 26 in 3 more days - I gave birth to my second son Tomas
27 nearing 28 in 2 more months - I gave birth to my third son Emil
36 - gave birth to my youngest children, twin girls Martha and Marion
(40) 39 - in Manila when my father died of cardiac arrest
(42) 41 - I started St. Martha School, Cotabato Inc.
(51) 53 - Tom got married and I added a daughter-in-law Angel to love
(52) 54 - I became a grandmother to my first grandchild Dylan
At 56, I just wish to continue and have a healthy and peaceful life. hehehe
Thursday, November 8, 2007
What to say
But now, after one year, I am getting back and fast. I have easily regained my appetite again. People say I look much better but that I should not get fat again.
Easier said than done. hehehe....
Sunday, November 4, 2007
A day before departure, I get all hyped up - I need to buy these and that, pack up early, check my belongings over and over. I am fearful less I forget something important to bring.
Day of departure - I have to go to the airport early for I don't want to be late for my flight. I hate to be in a rush, but I get to wait long hours too.
Unpacking is a another thing - check if there is anything broken in the luggage, putting clothes and things back to where they belong, sorting the pasalubong, storing the new things etc etc. Travelling can be tiring specially if it is done too often.
And I have done that for the past few months but they were well worth it. To be able to see and spend time with my children. To hear their common daily grind and eating and shopping and going to movies together. The last visit, I have watched 3 movies in a week with them. hahaha. I even loved going to bed with all the noises still going on, knowing that they were all at home with me.
Well, December is approaching, and this time the children will be coming home instead of me going to see them. I will have respite from travelling for awhile until come next year.
I once told roy, How I wish there is a space tunnel where in you can just enter a door and come out of it to wherever place you want to be. Saves a lot of time and airport hustles! hah!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Oct 31
Today, Helen and I, we had lunch at my Uncle Fernando's house. Uncle Fernando has 12 children. And my cousins, they meet and have lunch with my uncle and aunt every Wednesday. Since we literally grew up with them, Helen and I would join them sometimes whenever we can. I suggested that she brought a fondue of chami as a celebration of her birthday. The chami was ordered from Mannhann Kitchen and we enjoyed the birthday noodles. Auntie Elsa, my generous dikim gave Helen a big angpao.
After lunch, I did a bit of ads solicitation from my cousins for my school 15th anniversary yearbook. Luckily for me, Linda Herrera Yu ( family friend ) came over and I added one more solicitation. I didn't intentionally use Helen for my purpose. The opportunity just coincided. I know my cousins would have supported my request. It is just good luck and good timming to have things happened on my sister's birthday. Happy birthday Helen and may you have more birthdays to come. I love you!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
So I arrived Manila yesterday afternoon, the first thing I did was to request people to take me to a movie. How I missed going to cinemas. I was surprised the ticket was costly though. But it was really pleasant and relaxing. The aircondition was cold and the seat comfortable. I was always ready with my coat and I couldn't do without the popcorns and junk food too hahaha. To top it all, "Stardust" was an entertaining movie to watch. I did enjoy watching the fairytale, com-adventure and comedy film a lot. I never realized I miss going to cinema that much. hahaha
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
First semester almost over
We had fun. We were able to choreograph two Filipino dances for the kids: Planting Rice and Itik-itik. We got a "Planting Rice" music that is sang in English. I guess very few people now a days know the English version of the "planting rice". We incorporated dance steps and actions that would be easy for the kids. The children will be excited to perform.
After this week, will be the semestral break. Everybody is looking forward to this break. Many people will go on vacation. I on the other hand plan to look out for new Christmas arts and crafts to introduce to the children for their November and December classroom activities.
First semester is almost over but second semester is going to be much busier. I am anticipating more work right now. Got to start early. hahaha!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Ramadan almost over
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Sunday outing
Ever since the kids were small, Sunday was always a family day for outing. Now it's Dylan's turn. This Sunday morning, we went to our lot in Gonzalo Javier. Dylan liked to run around on the green grass. In the afternoon, we went to CCI. After CCI, we went to our old pasyalan at ORC or the ARMM park site. But it was getting late, we had to come home. Next time around again.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Making dylan go to sleep is the big challenge since the yaya has a certain way of swaying him to slumber. Last saturday was my first whole day babysitting date with dylan and he gave me a hard time. He had just barely adjusted to the new environment and his parents absence, when the yaya took the day off. He literally cried himself to sleep. I almost cried with him. haha
Last thursday though, was a piece of cake. I put him to sleep without so much fuss. I felt so happy to be able to do that.
Today is saturday and another big day again. I cooked his meal and he ate a lot. I also got him to drink plenty of water instead of juice. I guess he is now quite familiar with my presence because when I get tired of carrying him and would turn him over to the housemaid, he would cling to me so. He is however right now playing with his cousin chelsea. I hope we'll make a good team, like that of last Thursday. Here's wishing me luck. hahaha
Friday, October 5, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
August moon festival 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
September to October
Today, I went to church to offer prayers of thanksgiving
Friday, September 28, 2007
A lively home
I thought I was too old for all these energetic activities but I am surprised at myself, I found out I was still strong enough to take care of him for two hours last Thursday. Hahaha
Monday, September 24, 2007
Dylan in Cotabato
Friday, September 21, 2007
Exasperate at gov't
But instead for the happy homecoming event turns sour because of the tedious and long POEA process in Manila that hinders my son to come back to his hometown in Cotabato City, made me really seethe with resentment that the goverment is not really working for the welfare of it's people or workers but harrassment instead for those who have the chance to work abroad.
Can those top brass POEA people ever make the medical exam simplier? Can they even shorten the POEA orientation from 4 hours to 1 hour? Can't they upgrade their application process through the internet? You bet, it is harder to get a POEA card than getting a visa to United States.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
homecoming parties for Roy
The barbecue party was lively, happy and filled with delicious food. Jean with the help of Janah knew how to throw a good party and the Ledesmas of course were really really mean eaters. hahaha! It was very heart warming for Roy to see everybody. He felt at home and happy. Thanks to Jean and Jun and their children for the wonderful party.
Lucas and I also gave Roy a combined bienvenida, graduation and good wishes party at Gloria Maris Restaurant. We invited the Tans, Ledesmas and Roy's godparents and other close family friends. The lauriat food were specifically ordered " no crabs, shrimps and shellfish." for Roy to really enjoy the courses. For the first time he was able to eat everything. The guests were also satisfied with most of the food. I'll post some of the pictures taken sometime soon.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Mine family reunion
Roy came home to Manila too on short notice and Lucas and Emil enplaned to be with us for a family reunion.
When the family is together, the household is always noisy. We like to talk, argue, exchange ideas, taunt each other, eat and play games.
Seeing the children together, gave me pangs in my heart. I was happy but I knew soon we had to get back to each our works, our own places of endeavors, to different destinations and different lives. I only hope that God will keep us one, wherever we are. And I really thank Him for this wonderful unexpected short family reunion. Thanks a lot O Lord.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Father Caroff was initially a customer. He came to the store to purchase items for his farm project in Timanan, Upi. He came to my husband specially for the purchase of car parts because his car needed to be in good condition to travel to the far flung area. My husband and Father Caroff became good friends. He was invited by the good priest to visit Timanan several times. At one occasiion, Lucas made preparations to go but a big rain canceleled the trip. It was unsafe to travel on a zigzaging dirt road to Upi. My husband never got to visit him in Timanan, more so when Father Caroff was kidnapped in the 80's by the Muslim rebels.
Soon after he was released by his captors, Father Caroff was transfered to Antipas, North Cotabato. Father continued with his farming project in Bugwak. Although the new location was nearer Davao, yet he continued to purchase from the store in Cotabato. He showed pictures of his new farm. He was very proud of it. The gravity pump he used for irrigation earned him a lot of respect. His New Galilee farm was even featured as a model farm in one of the Philippine magazines. But his visit to Cotabato city became less and less. For a long time, we were not able to see him - a period of two or more years maybe.
Early this year, a Filipino priest who took over Father Caroff former project in Timanan came to the store. He told us that Father was gravely ill and that he could no longer walk nor move around. He was afraid that father Caroff may not last till April. Upon hearing the news, my husband and I immediately took a trip to visit him in Bugwak. We found him still all right despite his crippling disease. Although physically weak, he was still very much incharged of the model farm and its people. We knew he could still hang on.
Father Caroff is sick because his body can not expel the toxin inside. He is physically disabled but his mind is lucid. He is however well taken care off by people he brought from Upi. He is happy when people visit him. He is 82 years old and he may not live longer than 5 years but we are happy to have visited and talked to him. We continue to communicate with him through cellphone calls or sms texting. He is such a dear person, no wonder he has many friends who are concern about his well being.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Roy in Seattle
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
free food
1. Chin Chin my wedding inaanak from Kidapawan - rambutans
2. Siolan who came home from Davao - machangs
3. Dominic & Carol who came home from the Kadayawan in Davao: marang, durian and tofu
4. Conchita Tan shared her gifts from bride to be Josephine Cue - longans, apples and oranges
5. Alex Chiong- durian
6. From a customer in Upi - 5 native durian fruits.
7. Lucio- hopias from Ongpin
Not to mention I have young coconuts from my lot which I can freely pick everyday. It's no wonder that I am gaining weight. yum yum yum
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Dylan's Jollibee birthday party
Monday, August 13, 2007
Dylan's first birthday
At night we further celebrated it with a simple family dinner at home. We had custard icing birthday cake for Dylan, palabok, fried native chicken, soup and rice. It was indeed a happy day for celebration.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Doctor Roy Patrick Tan
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Into August
August 3 at 9 am, I got a call from Marion from the infirmary of Ateneo de Manila. She had abdominal pain. The doctor suspected appendicitis. She wanted Marion to be brought to the hospital for blood exam. Martha had no classes that day and together with Angel who absent herself from work, they took Marion to the er at St. Luke hospital. I enplaned the same day from Cotabato to Manila to see Marion. Although I was worried but yet I was kind of calm for Marion had the same malady 5 years ago.
5 years ago, she had abdominal pain and was brought to see a doctor. She was diagnosed by a well known surgeon to have appendicitis. She went through several tests but it was not appendicitis, some false alarm. I brought her to another internist for a second opinion. The internist said it was nothing alarming but the pain can reoccur again.
So it did, but whatever the pain was, I wanted to be with my baby. The results from the hospital turned out negative for UTI or appedicitis. We were told to observe further but the pain subsided after 2 days. She is now back to school but is refraining from doing strenous activities. In the meantime, I am staying in Manila for a few more days for further observation and most importantly to be with my children. Don't worry, Marion is fine, I am sure.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
long and eventful July
1. To begin with, I dismissed my new house-help on July 2 for not coming home the second time after a sunday's break. I was busy looking for replacement as there were lots of cleaning up to do at home. I found two stayout helps soon enough.
2. The family driver had a slight car incident on July 6 in Ateneo. Distressingly, the other car owner was not very rational. It was a good thing that Marion acted logically and sensibly. As I was not in Manila, I prayed to God to enlighten the other party and hoped for the insurance agent to decide rightly. Our car was brought for repair and returned good after two weeks. There was no further claim from neither one of us.
3. For the whole month of July, my most dependable and reliable teacher went on maternity leave. I had to carry on additional tasks and assigned some works to the other teachers. Yet I soon found out that the other teachers took the absence and work of Mrs. Hornido upon their own shoulders. They were really quite responsible. I really do appreciate the teamwork here.
4. Martha got lbm from the food of a wedding banquet she attended at Crowne Plaza on July 30. The episode started early in the morning to late afternoon. She was absent from school the whole day and was feeling weak. If her condition worsen, we would bring her to the hospital. As I was in Cotabato, I worry as to who would take care of her in the hospital. Angel, my daughter-in-law volunteered to watch over her. I was greatly relieved. Martha got better though that night, but still Angel and the whole family slept with her in the room. I verily thank God for having Angel as my daughter-in-law.
4.That same night while I was talking to my family in Manila over the phone and praying hard for Martha to recover, another incident took place here in Cotabato. The maids of Tina ( my sister-in-law was vacationing in Baguio) were fighting violently in their own room. They were sisters though, the younger girl stabbed the elder sister with a sharp scissors. Blood spurted all over. I went over their house to help take control of the situation but I got scared at the blood and the crying of the wounded maid. Instead I scolded the perpetrator and told her to help her own sister. My maid was fast enough to help with a tourniquet handkerchief. Dominic brought Tina's maid to the emergency clinic and she came home with a bandaged arm. We separated the two sisters that night, the wounded girl slept in my house and the other sister slept in theirs. Oh what a mess.
But everything is ok now. Martha is well and the violent maid was sent back home.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
something about Cotabato 2
Thursday, July 26, 2007
something about Cotabato
Monday, July 23, 2007
amazing search
I talked to Father Caroff early this evening. He sounded good. He said he was very weak due to old age but I was glad he was able to return my call. He lives in remote Baguak, North Cotabato. There is no land line facility over there but he is able to communicate through his cellphone. The reception in Baguak was not good, he said. He was even thinking of replacing his cellphone unit because it was not working too good. That's Father Caroff for you despite his illness and disability. A lot of people loves him, I tell you.
Friday, July 20, 2007
God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we can not see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way
He will make a way
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Special day
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
a song
God will make a way,
When there seems no other way
He works in ways we can not see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to his side
He will make a way
He will make a way
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Roy's birthday
Thursday, July 12, 2007
birthday party
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Friday, July 6, 2007
another week
I came home for supper after church but the meal prepared by the househelp was not very appetizing so I cooked ngo hiong myself and had a relatively late supper with my husband. Sister Jeannette came over after supper to use my oven to bake a cake. ( her oven was not in good condition) I did 3 rounds of taichi to de-stress. Ate a piece of Jeannette's cake. The exercise and the dessert seem to help uplift my mood. I may be tired, but thank God for the blessings of the day.