August 3 at 9 am, I got a call from Marion from the infirmary of Ateneo de Manila. She had abdominal pain. The doctor suspected appendicitis. She wanted Marion to be brought to the hospital for blood exam. Martha had no classes that day and together with Angel who absent herself from work, they took Marion to the er at St. Luke hospital. I enplaned the same day from Cotabato to Manila to see Marion. Although I was worried but yet I was kind of calm for Marion had the same malady 5 years ago.
5 years ago, she had abdominal pain and was brought to see a doctor. She was diagnosed by a well known surgeon to have appendicitis. She went through several tests but it was not appendicitis, some false alarm. I brought her to another internist for a second opinion. The internist said it was nothing alarming but the pain can reoccur again.
So it did, but whatever the pain was, I wanted to be with my baby. The results from the hospital turned out negative for UTI or appedicitis. We were told to observe further but the pain subsided after 2 days. She is now back to school but is refraining from doing strenous activities. In the meantime, I am staying in Manila for a few more days for further observation and most importantly to be with my children. Don't worry, Marion is fine, I am sure.
I heard before that high stress levels can cause abdominal pains that can incapacitate.