One Saturday night, I dreamed about Father Caroff. I was inside a car with him driving. My husband Lucas was sitted beside him, while a young female friend and I were at the back seats. We were on a trip and we were to pass by a bridge. Before reaching the bridge though, the car swirled to the roadside. Father Caroff who was at the helm of the wheel had to back up and reverse the car. He tried but he could not do it properly because of his disability. I was so scared because we were almost going to hit some steel trashes at the back. I was hysterically shouting. Then Father Caroff began to wheeze and had asthma attack. I panic and told my husband that the priest could not do it and if Lucas was going to let him continue driving, I was going to get out of the car. In desperation because my husband was not doing anything for he was a worse driver, I got out of the car yet I continued to scream about the near collision. Finally, our younger female companion took over the helm and drove the car out of danger zone. We continued with our trip. The way to the bridge was so steep but thankfully our skillful female companion drove us through it.
I woke up from the dream and immediately narrated the story to my husband. I told him to inquire about Father Caroff's well being in Buguak. I was afraid he might be sick for I sometimes dream about certain people and I pray for them.
But Lucas being busy with so many things, forgot to inquire. Coincidentally on Monday, he received a call from Father Caroff himself, telling him that he was now in cotabato city and staying at the Pronvincial House of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Lucas and I immediately went ot visit him that afternoon.
It turned out Father Caroff was brought to Cotabato City on Friday by his caretakers in Buguak. His doctor was out of town but the people in the hospital gave him a catheter procedure which gave him temporary relief. He was released from the hospital and is now staying in the Provincial House. When we saw him that day, his spirit was high. He was using a motorized wheel chair and he even showed us how to manuever it. We even joked about him needing to get a driver's license. This reminded me of my dream. Scary......
I'll be posting about our second visit next blog.