
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My Random Thoughts

It's almost the middle of August, and many schools in the Philippines are going through their first quarter examinations. But I have no test papers to check nor grades to compute; instead I watch my favorite tv shows and stay up late till midnight. Now that I'm retired, I do enjoy the luxury of waking up late in the morning. But watching news about the Philippines, the Middle East conflicts, the Ebola virus epidemic, etc, is so scary and depressing. I am actually such a paranoid, I over imagine and over think things. But despite all the negativity, I shall continue to hope and pray for good things to come:
1. May cures be found soonest for treating cancers and other deadly diseases.
2. May peace be still attainable in the world.
3. May there be peace and order and progress in Cotabato City.
4. May our leaders in the Philippines work for the betterment and welfare of its people.
5. May people turn towards goodness instead of wickedness.
6. May the Lord God have mercy on us all.

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