
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Keep Watch on Lighted Candle or Boiling Pot

Fire risk!!!! It was 1/4 of a stud of a vigil candle. The wick as slim and small, so I decided to let the fire burn a bit. I did not put off the light immediately and so I forgot..... At night I smelled something burning from that side of the window, but I thought the odor was coming from the neighborhood. This morning, I gasped when I saw the burnt spot. Thank goodness, it did not do any further harm. I thank God for not letting it go wilder. Thank God for keeping us safe. I should report my negligence to you people so you have to watch out too. Another fire risk is an unwatched boiling pot. Be cautious about anything that is lighted and can cause fire. Keep safe.
Why the lighted candle?
The candle was inside a clay pot holder, I used it as base for lighting my incense which I use for praying around 5 PM. (Kind of traditional Chinese). The burned incense is then placed on an urn of pebbles and sand. Whatever you do, keep watch on anything that you have lighted. Don't leave anything before putting the fire off. Watch out!


  1. Good thing the fire didn't spread... Keep safe.

  2. I should have placed a glass plate underneath the pot. My mistake. You all be careful there.

  3. I just read this now! oh my... good thing it did not spread. This should serve as a warning to all. Thak God you are safe
