
Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Peaceful Sunday

Typhoon Pepeng hit Cagayan yesterday and left the Philippines today. I am thankful that it had spared populous metro manila from a horrendous second disaster. Maybe the prayers for divine mercy from the still suffering multitude were heard. I was one of the throng who went to last Friday's afternoon Sacred Heart novena mass to ask for mercy. Coincidentally it was also the feast of the guardian angels. That day, I texted and requested my children to pray the guardian angel's prayer for their own protection. I was kind of scared. It was maybe due to the several calamities that have struck Southeast Asia these past few weeks. But now that the typhoon has passed us, let us not forget to still be alert, careful and prayerful. I don't care if I am going to sound irrelevant but October is the month of the holy rosary. I am sure, the Lord will have mercy on us. Be good everyone.


  1. We all should continue praying! hehehe :) There is chance that pepeng will make a u-turn and hit us again

  2. And if that happens, boss pepeng will hit us together with boss melor. oh noes spaghetti-oes. :o Hope we all be kept safe.
