Yesterday's big news regarding the successful testing of the Hadron Particle Collider in Geneva had me thinking....of the brilliance of research works and scientific breakthroughs. I marvel at man's intelligence....those physicists and scientists... the depth of their minds and the expanse of their works. I was happy at the success of the Atom Collider. I believe man is capable of achieving anything. On the other hand is scary that we might over do things and bring our own downfall and obliterate our own existence. From time immemorial, man is never contented to be caretaker of God's creation. He wants to be more. And as we learned from the story " the tower of babel", God put hindrance to this ambition by scattering mankind and confusing his language, yet God has not withheld from us our achievements and attainments in discovering his wonderful creation.
Honestly, I was scared at the onset of DNA cloning. I told my husband "Wouldn't this make God angry?" Who knows we might be creating our own monsters afterall.
Now, this recent atomic colllider has promises of scientific revelations but again, aren't we trying to beat God again?
I am on one hand happy at the thought that maybe one day my dream of traveling through a space tunnel would come true, but then what if we turn into nothingness instead.
May the Almighty God enlighten the minds and the works of these scientists, for after all He still has the final say.
Interesting about the Collider... haha although I'm surprised not much news on it in the local Philippine scene :D