Lucas and I visited Father Caroff several times these February and March. They were mostly on the spur of the moment Sunday morning visits which were done after the masses or after some eat-out breakfasts. Because we didn't inform him in advance, he was sleeping each time we were there. We got to talk to his caretakers in the Oblates House though, and we were glad to know that he went to Bugwak to spend his 84th birthday last February. We made appointment to visit him one Saturday afternoon too but he texted to inform us that he was going to Notre Dame University and asked us to postpone the visit to another day. It was heart waming though for us to know that Father Caroff was going out and making social rounds. Sometimes the people at the Oblate's House would bring him to the grotto in Tamontaka too.
Yesterday morning, we tried again to see him at the Provincial House but were there at the wrong time again, we decided to return late in the afternoon. We caught him outside of his room in a wheel chair. The sun was going down and it was not too glaring for him to be out in the open. He had many rashes on this forehead and was trying to scratch them with his feebled hand. I offered to send two bottles of coconut virgin oil for application on the rashes. He gladly accepted my offer and even said that I needed only but to send a small amount. Anyway we had small talk. He tried to be the perfect host asking me a lot of questions regarding my work and family. His memory, I noticed was not as keen anymore. The worst thing I observed were his feet. They were so swollen and big but he was not complaining about any discomfort. When we came to talk about prayers and micracles, he smiled and said. " It should be a cooperation between God and man."
Yup! I agree with this :) I'm Happy to hear that Father Caroff is getting by pretty well.