I have a mini grotto on the wall of my porch before entering my home. My family moved to this house in 1980. In 1976 after the earthquake, I went through some emotional turbulent years, so when this house was built for us to stay, I wanted my home to be blessed by God. The mini grotto with the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes was set up during the finishing stage of the building. I specifically wanted it there before entering my abode. The grotto is a significant gesture of my devotion. My wanting to be connected to God. My desire to be loved and brought closer to my Lord by his very own mother. As I prayed for a peaceful loving home, of course with all intentions I have to start by being a better person myself. This house, this home, this family, will surely be blessed because I so want it to be. My Divine Mother shall help me. She will bring me closer to my God, as well as all my love ones whom I pray for everyday.
So my house is located on the second floor of the building, and since then, each day before going down the stairs to work or to go out, I pass by the mini grotto; I touch the statue of our Lady and do the sign of the cross. Likewise when I climb upstairs to come home, I do the same greetings. The grotto is lighted by an electrical light bulb at night. I adorn it with flowers picked from my rooftop garden. It delights my heart when my flowers bloom prettily to honor my Lady.
Flowers for my Lady: