Monday, April 28, 2008
Hongkong adventures and misadventures part 3
In the afternoon, Lucas and Domingo went for a nap while the rest of us went to Northern Point district to shop. I bought polo shirts for Tom and emil, shorts for Lucas and me, got 20% discount for tea courtesy of my brother Chiong Bian. We didn't buy a lot of things though and decided to call it a day.
In the evening, Lucas joined us to Tsim Tsa Tsui. Together we walked slowly liked old lovers hahaha! He bought for himslef a dragon head crystal figurine. Despite his disability, at least he got to shop like the rest of us too.
April 25, 2008 - back to the Philippines.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Hongkong adventures and misadventures part 2
to be continued......
Hongkong adventures and misadventures
April 19, 2008 - Lucas, Helen (my sister), Martha, Marion and I embarked on a 7 days and 6 nights vacation to Hongkong. It was an all planned trip intented for a leisurely tour. Included in our itinerary were a half day hongkong tour, one day macau tour, meeting with Domingo and Jackie and spending some time with my Hongkong brother Uy Chiong Bian and of course a day in Disneyland. Unfortunately, our plane was not able to touch down in Hongkong due to bad weather conditiion. We were 20 minutes to landing and imagine how frustrated it was to know that we had to be diverted back to
April 20, 2008 - Arrived Honkong and billeted in Harbour Plaza Hotel Metropolis which was a really nice hotel with very courteous and hospitable staff. Met Domingo and Jackie in the same hotel and spent the afternoon sleeping due to tiredness from lack of sleep (hehehe). At night we ate a sumptuous Peking duck dinner in the
April 21, 2008 - Went to
April 22 - Half day Hongkong tour, ended the tour at Tsim Tsa Tsui, went shopping at the district. At night, my Hongkong brother Uy Chiong Bian came by to pick us up and brought us to his place in Lan Tian (BlueFarm). We had super supper with his family and went visiting their residences. Chiong Bian brought us back home at around 10 PM. The misadventure happened when we disembarked from the train to go up to Hung Hum Station where our hotel was located. As we took up the escalator, Lucas who was always staying behind us fell down. I turned my back just in time to see him staggering with his balance and lost him from my sight. I screamed his name out loud and Dr. Domingo was very quick to the rescue. He could not pull him from the front, so he went to the back and helped him get up. Lucas' fingers and elbow were pinched from the running steps. His elbow had a big open wound and we quickly called for first aid assistance at the station which they also quickly responded. But the fall had a great impact on his buttocks, he could not walk properly. He had a fretful sleep that night due to much pain despite the medicine he took.
To be conitnued.......
Monday, April 14, 2008
works getting done
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Children all dispersed
Follow-up thoughts - I couldn't help think about the day before yesterday when I was giving Marion a last minute instruction as to what to pack for her trip to Singapore. "Bring an extra pair of eyeglasses"
Being a worrywart mother, I always worry unneccesarily so I resort to praying which is my only solution. Thinking about it, I really worry about them all............
1. Of Martha taking her finals and preparing for her thesis defense - Is she sleeping? Drinking lots of fluid in this hot weather? Catching up with her school work?
2. Of ever busy Emil working in Cebu....Is he happy? Is he healthy?
3. Of Tom, Angel and Dylan - Are they doing ok with work? Is Dylan eating well? Are they handling and balancing their time and finances wisely?
All these and many more.........why do I worry? because I am in Cotabato and not with anyone of my children. My family members are all dispersed and this causes me to feel paranoid regarding their health, safety, happness, education, work, undertakings, etc, etc...
A last minute thought.... Not to worry though, for God keeps us together..........pray.